Welcome to this little corner of travel made blog. I am the travel blogger author and a small personal space of travel stories. I consider myself a citizen of the world. For things of Destiny, my childhood, and my adolescence, I spent traveling all over the world with my family. I think that this desire to be a modern nomad was born, with the imperative need to be in constant movement.

I am a party dreamer, who likes to transform his desires into reality and who rejects violence as a means of expression.

My motivation is reflected in the desire to travel, to meet people and cultures, and to find myself one day in a village filled with yellow butterflies.

I work in the health sector, and for me, it is a great pleasure to be able to make a living with a human profession that I am passionate about.

I do not seek in life the imposed formula of: grow + procreate + buy house + buy car + depress + die. I just want to keep good memories in my life, not money in a bank; and that things come naturally and spontaneously.

To be a tireless traveler and write my adventures, how and when?

This desire to travel began to be shared in the form of travel journals and photographs since 2008, on a site called viajeros.com I realized then that I wasn’t the only one with traveling dreams, fortunately. I wish to go around the world, without dates or haste, and to tell my stories in the form of travel stories.

Creating a personal travel blog

A rainy day in late 2012, I decided to create my travel blog. I am a self-taught person, and I confess that getting into the skin of a travel blogger has not been easy at all. After three failed attempts and desperate abortions, this piece of my life called “travel blog “was born. All these years, I have learned, written, and published about my travel experiences. But above all, I have known the different facets of the human being and the cultures of different regions of this cone we call Planet Earth.

My simple idea is to create a transparent site, with the sole purpose of showing that traveling enriches the soul. Traveling is just a matter of wanting to do it, like many other things in life.

I’m passionate about the visual and aesthetic part of things. This is how photography and life appeared to complement my memories. When I can no longer travel, I will dedicate myself to evoke all the moments, the faces and the landscapes that all my perils and adventures that were recorded in my mind.

Traveling allows me to feel alive and better understand the world that surrounds me.

Well, two people in my family carry it, and apart from them, I’ve never heard or seen the name anywhere else again. I discovered then that the closest thing is “Aristophanes,” a famous Greek comedian, the leading exponent of the comic genre. The logical relationship I find is that because I have a clown face that can’t handle me, although I have no idea where my grandmother got the name!

Adopting the name as a nickname from a long time ago, it seemed logical to use it also like an identity in my face as a travel blogger. This allows me to keep my privacy and personal life in a certain way. Well, the fact that I write about travel doesn’t mean that I write my own entire life on the networks.

I firmly believe that evolution and change are part of the process of learning and personal search. Under this lens, I came across a dilemma of personality and brand name that can represent my site in the world of travel bloggers and the tourism industry.

After four years of satisfaction and experience, I have decided to change the name of the blog. Of aristofennes.com a blogtrip.org this is a personal blog, right. But increasingly committed and brand-related. Hence the need for a more appropriate name. Also, the way to unify the name of the project, as this travel blog is translated into the French language with the name of blogtrip.fr.

Traveling, I have realized that not everything is pink. You have to go, but you have to know how to do it. I will try to give you my best advice then.

I hope my travel journals, photos and videos will provide you with some inspiration to travel this complicated but beautiful world. I will always be open to your questions, comments, criticisms, and proposals.